
Click on any of the pictures to enlarge. Enjoy and please leave feedback!

Hanseatic Hamburg

Arrived in Hamburg on a very miserable day.... but lo, the following day - brilliant! (and way chilly)

Quite an amazing town really - very beautiful with a northern European maritime outlook - our first time here and very surprised... not sure what we expected!

Thought I'd lead off with the statue of the big guy - Bismarck - he watches over the port...


Anonymous said...

You don't fool me....
All this arty stuff doesn't hide the fact you are visiting the vice capitals of Europe!
Have a great time & keep the pics coming. Muz

Anonymous said...

Hi Boys
Sounds like you are having a fabulous time. Very jealous. Living vicariously through your travels is only making me bitter and resentful. Have a great chrissy. See you in the new year.